June's Starfighter - a spaceship in LEGO Friends Style, based on the brilliant cockpit concept/design of topdesigner for LEGO spaceships Peter L. Morris.
Free instructions: https://legolux1973.link/junesstarfighter
Hashtags: #lego #legospaceship #legospace #afol #legomoc #legostagram #legophotography #legocommunity #legogram #legostarwars #legofan #spaceship #legoleaks #legocity #legopassion #legominifigures #legomania #s #legoland #classiclego #legobricks #legobuild #legovintage #legoclassicspace #moc #space #instalego #afols #legoinstagram #legomocs #legofriends #legogirls #juallego #greebles #spaceship #space #scifi #ufo #nasa #alien #aliens #spacex #universe #art #sciencefiction #spacecraft #spacetravel #astronaut #ufos #spaceart #area #starcitizen #stars #moon #scifiart #ufosighting #ovni #galaxy #mars #extraterrestrial #science #ufology #ovnis #cosmos #legolux1973 #luxembourg #luxemburg
Comments 2
Einfach nemmen super gemaach.
June saachen sin an mengen Aan emmer mega cool.
W.e.g. weider esou

legolux1973 Author
ANEKIN Villmools Merci fier d'Blummen.