Steineland Freisen 2017
- legoscout
- 217
- 0
Haus N°21
- MiBra
- 2,179
- 0
- 1
- DerJoshDer
- 2,113
- 2
- 1
When you nedd to lighten up the inside of a building (brickfilm to come)
- Sergio Marques Dias
- 1,550
- 0
Haus N°7
- MiBra
- 2,191
- 0
- 1
Haus N°5
- MiBra
- 2,200
- 0
- 1
IDSMO - R3- Dream World
- KevFett2011
- 1,677
- 0
IDSMO - R3- Dream World
- KevFett2011
- 1,671
- 0
IDSMO R2- Battle of Scarif - Complete
- KevFett2011
- 2,637
- 0
- 1
IDSMO R2- Battle of Scarif - Complete
- KevFett2011
- 2,767
- 0
- 1
My next brickfilm (in works)
- Sergio Marques Dias
- 2,719
- 2
- 4
IDSMO R1- U - Wing Escape
- KevFett2011
- 1,338
- 0
- 1
The Lord of the Rings- The Battle of Helm's Deep
- KevFett2011
- 1,348
- 0
- 1
The Lord of the Rings- The Battle of Helm's Deep
- KevFett2011
- 1,416
- 0
The Lord of the Rings- The Battle of Helm's Deep
- KevFett2011
- 1,462
- 0
- 2